
道具と技術に頼らない クライミング / Climbing Without Equipment or Technique

どのように木から木へナビゲートしながら移動する方法を学ぶには長い学習プロセスが必要であり、経験が重要です。 ツリーワークはを最小限の動作と作業で成り立っています。

 木のどの場所が使えるのか又は使えないのかについて詳しく説明します。 またスピード、効率、安全性を高めるための秘密のいくつかをお伝えします。 


Learning how to navigate through the trees structure is a long learning process,  experience is key. Tree work is composed by minimizing movement and action. We describe in detail which places in the tree are useful, and which are not. We decided to tell you some of our secrets, to increase speed, efficiency and safety. Please join us for this demonstration experience.









The day will include but not be limited to..

  • how to navigate through the tree

  • how to choose rope/tree connection points

  • how to simplify movement

  • the difference between important and unnecessary techniques (major v’s minor)

  • how to reduce equipment and techniques

  • how to create safe work positions

  • how to climb in a relaxed and powerful way


1) 樹木のリスク評価

2) ツリーにアクセスします

3) ツーロープ「アメリカン クラッカー」システムを設定します。

4) クライミングとワークポジション

5) システムの回収

You will watch as we..

1) risk assess the tree

2) access the tree

3) set the Two Rope ‘American Clacker’ system

4) climb and work position

5) retrieve the system

木 #1

プ ラ タ ナ ス

@ Yokohama

2024 年 2 月 6 日 - 午前9時~午後3時



Location - Eirenposenshisha Cemetery, 238 Karibacho, Hodogaya Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 240-0025

料金 8,000円/1名

お問い合わせ・ご予約 080-3128-5760(ポール)

↓ メールリンクは下にあります ↓


Tree #2


@ Matsumoto

2024 年 5 月 9 日

Large limbs at difficult angles with few crotches.

場所 - 〒390-0861 長野県松本市蟻ケ崎2455-11 松本市アルプス公園北側駐車場

料金 8,000円/1名

お問い合わせ・ご予約 080-3128-5760(ポール)

↓ メールリンクは下にあります ↓


Tree #3

@ Edinburgh Botanical Garden, UK

2024 年 5 月 14 + 15 日

Growing in shapes as if under water

Wooden Hand collaboration workshop with Robert Knott -

Themes of workshop - Paul Poynter, in conjunction with ODSK (Japan), has developed a complete system for two rope use.  Conceptual elements of the system are born out of the traditional ‘One Rope’ system (either MRS and SRS).  Risk assessment of tree is the same, as is access.  The ‘Two Rope’ system comes into its own in terms of suspension point design, and ultimately Work Positioning concepts and practicality.  Paul’s interpretation of ten years of Body Work discussion with Robert are imbued within the Two Rope system.  We would like to offer a one day workshop to understand the technicality of the Two Rope system.  And to take the opportunity to offer a second day to discuss and delve into Roberts underlaying Body Work concept, along with and Paul’s mechanics approach to climbing.


Practical three-dimensional system design

Major v’s Minor technique and equipment selection

Anchor design

Mechanics of movement

Practical physical maintenance

In order to keep discussion focused and lively we will limit participation of the second day to eight people.


120 per day


↓ mail address link below ↓


Tree #4

@ Oxford Botanical Garden, UK

2024 年 5 月 25 + 26 日

Wooden Hand collaboration workshop with Robert Knott -

Themes of workshop - Paul Poynter, in conjunction with ODSK (Japan), has developed a complete system for two rope use.  Conceptual elements of the system are born out of the traditional ‘One Rope’ system (either MRS and SRS).  Risk assessment of tree is the same, as is access.  The ‘Two Rope’ system comes into its own in terms of suspension point design, and ultimately Work Positioning concepts and practicality.  Paul’s interpretation of ten years of Body Work discussion with Robert are imbued within the Two Rope system.  We would like to offer a one day workshop to understand the technicality of the Two Rope system.  And to take the opportunity to offer a second day to discuss and delve into Roberts underlaying Body Work concept, along with and Paul’s mechanics approach to climbing.


Practical three-dimensional system design

Major v’s Minor technique and equipment selection

Anchor design

Mechanics of movement

Practical physical maintenance

In order to keep discussion focused and lively we will limit participation of the second day to eight people.


120 per day


↓ mail address link below ↓


Tree #5

@ Stockholm, Sweden

2024 - 6 - 2

Wooden Hand collaboration workshop with Joe Stockton

Themes of workshop - Paul Poynter, in conjunction with ODSK (Japan), has developed a complete system for two rope use.  Conceptual elements of the system are born out of the traditional ‘One Rope’ system (either MRS and SRS).  Risk assessment of tree is the same, as is access.  The ‘Two Rope’ system comes into its own in terms of suspension point design, and ultimately Work Positioning concepts and practicality.  We would like to offer a one day workshop to understand the technicality of the Two Rope system along with and Paul’s mechanics approach to climbing.


Practical three-dimensional system design

Major v’s Minor technique and equipment selection

Anchor design

Mechanics of movement

Stockholm, Sweden

Price TBC


↓ mail address link below ↓